
Package clientctl

import "edge-infra.dev/pkg/edge/iam/ctl/clientctl"

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const (
    EdgeIDFinalizer             = "finalizers.id.edge.ncr.com"
    ClientRegistrationSucceeded = "ClientRegistrationSucceeded"
    MissingSecretData           = "MissingSecretData"
    ClientRegistrationFailed    = "ClientRegistrationFailed"
    ClientSecretExistFailure    = "ClientSecretExistFailure"
    ClientSecretCreationFailure = "ClientSecretCreationFailure"
    SaveClientCredentailsFailed = "SaveClientCredentailsFailed"
    CouchDBNotReady             = "CouchDBNotReady"

type ClientReconciler

ClientReconciler reconciles a Client object

type ClientReconciler struct {
    Scheme *runtime.Scheme
    Name   string
    // kubebuilder default metrics
    Metrics metrics.Metrics

func (*ClientReconciler) Reconcile

func (r *ClientReconciler) Reconcile(ctx context.Context, req ctrl.Request) (res ctrl.Result, err error)

Reconcile is part of the main kubernetes reconciliation loop which aims to move the current state of the cluster closer to the desired state. TODO(user): Modify the Reconcile function to compare the state specified by the Client object against the actual cluster state, and then perform operations to make the cluster state reflect the state specified by the user.

For more details, check Reconcile and its Result here: - https://pkg.go.dev/sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime@v0.11.2/pkg/reconcile

func (*ClientReconciler) SetupWithManager

func (r *ClientReconciler) SetupWithManager(mgr ctrl.Manager) error

SetupWithManager sets up the controller with the Manager.