
Package subsume

import "cuelang.org/go/internal/core/subsume"

Overview ▾

Package subsume defines various subsumption relations.


API is subsumption used for APIs.

var API = Profile{
    IgnoreClosedness: true,
var CUE = Profile{}

Final checks subsumption interpreting the subsumed value as data.

var Final = Profile{
    Final:    true,
    Defaults: true,

FinalOpen exists as an artifact of the old API. One should probably not use this.

var FinalOpen = Profile{
    Final:            true,
    Defaults:         true,
    IgnoreClosedness: true,
var Simplify = Profile{
    LeftDefault: true,

func Value

func Value(ctx *adt.OpContext, a, b adt.Value) errors.Error

Value subsumes two values based on their logical (evaluated) values.

type Profile

Profile configures the type of subsumption. One should typically use one of the preconfigured profiles.

type Profile struct {
    // Final indicates subsumption should only consider fields that are relevant
    // to data mode, and ignore definitions, hidden fields, pattern constraints
    // and additional constraints.
    Final bool

    // Defaults indicate that default values should be used for the subsumed
    // value.
    Defaults bool

    // LeftDefaults indicates that the default value of the subsuming value
    // needs to be taken. This is necessary for simplifications like trim
    // and simplifying disjunctions.
    LeftDefault bool

    // Ignore optional fields.
    IgnoreOptional bool

    // IgnoreClosedness ignores closedness of structs and is used for comparing
    // APIs.
    IgnoreClosedness bool

func (*Profile) Check

func (p *Profile) Check(ctx *adt.OpContext, a, b adt.Value) bool

Check reports whether b is an instance of a.

func (*Profile) Value

func (p *Profile) Value(ctx *adt.OpContext, a, b adt.Value) errors.Error