
Package transport

import "cloud.google.com/go/auth/internal/transport"

Overview ▾

Package transport provided internal helpers for the two transport packages (grpctransport and httptransport).

func CloneDetectOptions

func CloneDetectOptions(oldDo *credentials.DetectOptions) *credentials.DetectOptions

CloneDetectOptions clones a user set detect option into some new memory that we can internally manipulate before sending onto the detect package.

func GetGRPCTransportCredsAndEndpoint

func GetGRPCTransportCredsAndEndpoint(opts *Options) (credentials.TransportCredentials, string, error)

GetGRPCTransportCredsAndEndpoint returns an instance of google.golang.org/grpc/credentials.TransportCredentials, and the corresponding endpoint to use for GRPC client.

func GetHTTPTransportConfig

func GetHTTPTransportConfig(opts *Options) (cert.Provider, func(context.Context, string, string) (net.Conn, error), error)

GetHTTPTransportConfig returns a client certificate source and a function for dialing MTLS with S2A.

func GetS2AAddress

func GetS2AAddress() string

GetS2AAddress returns the S2A address to be reached via plaintext connection. Returns empty string if not set or invalid.

func ValidateUniverseDomain

func ValidateUniverseDomain(clientUniverseDomain, credentialsUniverseDomain string) error

ValidateUniverseDomain verifies that the universe domain configured for the client matches the universe domain configured for the credentials.

type Options

Options is a struct that is duplicated information from the individual transport packages in order to avoid cyclic deps. It correlates 1:1 with fields on httptransport.Options and grpctransport.Options.

type Options struct {
    Endpoint                string
    DefaultMTLSEndpoint     string
    DefaultEndpointTemplate string
    ClientCertProvider      cert.Provider
    Client                  *http.Client
    UniverseDomain          string
    EnableDirectPath        bool
    EnableDirectPathXds     bool


Name Synopsis