
Package externalaccount

import "cloud.google.com/go/auth/credentials/internal/externalaccount"

Overview ▾


var (
    // Now aliases time.Now for testing
    Now = func() time.Time {
        return time.Now().UTC()

func NewTokenProvider

func NewTokenProvider(opts *Options) (auth.TokenProvider, error)

NewTokenProvider returns a cloud.google.com/go/auth.TokenProvider configured with the provided options.

type AwsSecurityCredentials

AwsSecurityCredentials models AWS security credentials.

type AwsSecurityCredentials struct {
    // AccessKeyId is the AWS Access Key ID - Required.
    AccessKeyID string `json:"AccessKeyID"`
    // SecretAccessKey is the AWS Secret Access Key - Required.
    SecretAccessKey string `json:"SecretAccessKey"`
    // SessionToken is the AWS Session token. This should be provided for
    // temporary AWS security credentials - Optional.
    SessionToken string `json:"Token"`

type AwsSecurityCredentialsProvider

AwsSecurityCredentialsProvider can be used to supply AwsSecurityCredentials and an AWS Region to exchange for a GCP access token.

type AwsSecurityCredentialsProvider interface {
    // AwsRegion should return the AWS region or an error.
    AwsRegion(ctx context.Context, opts *RequestOptions) (string, error)
    // GetAwsSecurityCredentials should return a valid set of
    // AwsSecurityCredentials or an error. The external account token provider
    // does not cache the returned security credentials, so caching logic should
    // be implemented in the provider to prevent multiple requests for the
    // same security credentials.
    AwsSecurityCredentials(ctx context.Context, opts *RequestOptions) (*AwsSecurityCredentials, error)

type Options

Options stores the configuration for fetching tokens with external credentials.

type Options struct {
    // Audience is the Secure Token Service (STS) audience which contains the resource name for the workload
    // identity pool or the workforce pool and the provider identifier in that pool.
    Audience string
    // SubjectTokenType is the STS token type based on the Oauth2.0 token exchange spec
    // e.g. `urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt`.
    SubjectTokenType string
    // TokenURL is the STS token exchange endpoint.
    TokenURL string
    // TokenInfoURL is the token_info endpoint used to retrieve the account related information (
    // user attributes like account identifier, eg. email, username, uid, etc). This is
    // needed for gCloud session account identification.
    TokenInfoURL string
    // ServiceAccountImpersonationURL is the URL for the service account impersonation request. This is only
    // required for workload identity pools when APIs to be accessed have not integrated with UberMint.
    ServiceAccountImpersonationURL string
    // ServiceAccountImpersonationLifetimeSeconds is the number of seconds the service account impersonation
    // token will be valid for.
    ServiceAccountImpersonationLifetimeSeconds int
    // ClientSecret is currently only required if token_info endpoint also
    // needs to be called with the generated GCP access token. When provided, STS will be
    // called with additional basic authentication using client_id as username and client_secret as password.
    ClientSecret string
    // ClientID is only required in conjunction with ClientSecret, as described above.
    ClientID string
    // CredentialSource contains the necessary information to retrieve the token itself, as well
    // as some environmental information.
    CredentialSource *credsfile.CredentialSource
    // QuotaProjectID is injected by gCloud. If the value is non-empty, the Auth libraries
    // will set the x-goog-user-project which overrides the project associated with the credentials.
    QuotaProjectID string
    // Scopes contains the desired scopes for the returned access token.
    Scopes []string
    // WorkforcePoolUserProject should be set when it is a workforce pool and
    // not a workload identity pool. The underlying principal must still have
    // serviceusage.services.use IAM permission to use the project for
    // billing/quota. Optional.
    WorkforcePoolUserProject string
    // UniverseDomain is the default service domain for a given Cloud universe.
    // This value will be used in the default STS token URL. The default value
    // is "googleapis.com". It will not be used if TokenURL is set. Optional.
    UniverseDomain string
    // SubjectTokenProvider is an optional token provider for OIDC/SAML
    // credentials. One of SubjectTokenProvider, AWSSecurityCredentialProvider
    // or CredentialSource must be provided. Optional.
    SubjectTokenProvider SubjectTokenProvider
    // AwsSecurityCredentialsProvider is an AWS Security Credential provider
    // for AWS credentials. One of SubjectTokenProvider,
    // AWSSecurityCredentialProvider or CredentialSource must be provided. Optional.
    AwsSecurityCredentialsProvider AwsSecurityCredentialsProvider
    // Client for token request.
    Client *http.Client

type RequestOptions

RequestOptions contains information about the requested subject token or AWS security credentials from the Google external account credential.

type RequestOptions struct {
    // Audience is the requested audience for the external account credential.
    Audience string
    // Subject token type is the requested subject token type for the external
    // account credential. Expected values include:
    // “urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt”
    // “urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:id-token”
    // “urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:saml2”
    // “urn:ietf:params:aws:token-type:aws4_request”
    SubjectTokenType string

type SubjectTokenProvider

SubjectTokenProvider can be used to supply a subject token to exchange for a GCP access token.

type SubjectTokenProvider interface {
    // SubjectToken should return a valid subject token or an error.
    // The external account token provider does not cache the returned subject
    // token, so caching logic should be implemented in the provider to prevent
    // multiple requests for the same subject token.
    SubjectToken(ctx context.Context, opts *RequestOptions) (string, error)