
Package credentials

import "cloud.google.com/go/auth/credentials"

Overview ▾

Package credentials provides support for making OAuth2 authorized and authenticated HTTP requests to Google APIs. It supports the Web server flow, client-side credentials, service accounts, Google Compute Engine service accounts, Google App Engine service accounts and workload identity federation from non-Google cloud platforms.

A brief overview of the package follows. For more information, please read https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2 and https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/application-default-credentials. For more information on using workload identity federation, refer to https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/how-to#using-workload-identity-federation.


The cloud.google.com/go/auth.Credentials type represents Google credentials, including Application Default Credentials.

Use DetectDefault to obtain Application Default Credentials.

Application Default Credentials support workload identity federation to access Google Cloud resources from non-Google Cloud platforms including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure or any identity provider that supports OpenID Connect (OIDC). Workload identity federation is recommended for non-Google Cloud environments as it avoids the need to download, manage, and store service account private keys locally.

Workforce Identity Federation

For more information on this feature see cloud.google.com/go/auth/credentials/externalaccount.

func DetectDefault

func DetectDefault(opts *DetectOptions) (*auth.Credentials, error)

DetectDefault searches for "Application Default Credentials" and returns a credential based on the DetectOptions provided.

It looks for credentials in the following places, preferring the first location found:



creds, err := credentials.DetectDefault(&credentials.DetectOptions{
    Scopes: []string{"https://www.googleapis.com/auth/devstorage.full_control"},
if err != nil {
client, err := httptransport.NewClient(&httptransport.Options{
    Credentials: creds,
if err != nil {

Example (WithFilepath)


// Your credentials should be obtained from the Google
// Developer Console (https://console.developers.google.com).
// Navigate to your project, then see the "Credentials" page
// under "APIs & Auth".
// To create a service account client, click "Create new Client ID",
// select "Service Account", and click "Create Client ID". A JSON
// key file will then be downloaded to your computer.
filepath := "/path/to/your-project-key.json"
creds, err := credentials.DetectDefault(&credentials.DetectOptions{
    Scopes:          []string{"https://www.googleapis.com/auth/bigquery"},
    CredentialsFile: filepath,
if err != nil {
client, err := httptransport.NewClient(&httptransport.Options{
    Credentials: creds,
if err != nil {

Example (WithJSON)


data, err := os.ReadFile("/path/to/key-file.json")
if err != nil {
creds, err := credentials.DetectDefault(&credentials.DetectOptions{
    Scopes:          []string{"https://www.googleapis.com/auth/bigquery"},
    CredentialsJSON: data,
if err != nil {
client, err := httptransport.NewClient(&httptransport.Options{
    Credentials: creds,
if err != nil {

func OnGCE

func OnGCE() bool

OnGCE reports whether this process is running in Google Cloud.

type DetectOptions

DetectOptions provides configuration for DetectDefault.

type DetectOptions struct {
    // Scopes that credentials tokens should have. Example:
    // https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform. Required if Audience is
    // not provided.
    Scopes []string
    // Audience that credentials tokens should have. Only applicable for 2LO
    // flows with service accounts. If specified, scopes should not be provided.
    Audience string
    // Subject is the user email used for [domain wide delegation](https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/service-account#delegatingauthority).
    // Optional.
    Subject string
    // EarlyTokenRefresh configures how early before a token expires that it
    // should be refreshed.
    EarlyTokenRefresh time.Duration
    // AuthHandlerOptions configures an authorization handler and other options
    // for 3LO flows. It is required, and only used, for client credential
    // flows.
    AuthHandlerOptions *auth.AuthorizationHandlerOptions
    // TokenURL allows to set the token endpoint for user credential flows. If
    // unset the default value is: https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token.
    // Optional.
    TokenURL string
    // STSAudience is the audience sent to when retrieving an STS token.
    // Currently this only used for GDCH auth flow, for which it is required.
    STSAudience string
    // CredentialsFile overrides detection logic and sources a credential file
    // from the provided filepath. If provided, CredentialsJSON must not be.
    // Optional.
    CredentialsFile string
    // CredentialsJSON overrides detection logic and uses the JSON bytes as the
    // source for the credential. If provided, CredentialsFile must not be.
    // Optional.
    CredentialsJSON []byte
    // UseSelfSignedJWT directs service account based credentials to create a
    // self-signed JWT with the private key found in the file, skipping any
    // network requests that would normally be made. Optional.
    UseSelfSignedJWT bool
    // Client configures the underlying client used to make network requests
    // when fetching tokens. Optional.
    Client *http.Client
    // UniverseDomain is the default service domain for a given Cloud universe.
    // The default value is "googleapis.com". This option is ignored for
    // authentication flows that do not support universe domain. Optional.
    UniverseDomain string


Name Synopsis
downscope Package downscope implements the ability to downscope, or restrict, the Identity and Access Management permissions that a short-lived Token can use.
externalaccount Package externalaccount provides support for creating workload identity federation and workforce identity federation token providers that can be used to access Google Cloud resources from external identity providers.
impersonate Package impersonate is used to impersonate Google Credentials.